Conjoint Annual Meetings of the CAA & AAQ: Québec May 15–18, 2019

Quebec City 2019

In 2019, the conjoint Annual Meetings of the Canadian Archaeological Association and the Association des archéologues de Québec will be held in Quebec City from May 15-18, 2019.

This conference organised in partnership between the CAA and the AAQ is an opportunity for members to build networks and to share developments in knowledge and practice across the country and internationally. In order to foster exchange between the two organizations, collaborative conference sessions involving members of both the CAA and AAQ are specifically invited, with papers and posters presented in English and in French. The addition of second language summaries in presentations, whenever possible, is most welcome.

The theme for the 2019 CAA annual meeting is "Heritage at Risk”, in recognition of the myriad challenges confronting the preservation and accessibility of the archaeological record, archaeological sites, monuments, landscapes, collections and intangible cultural heritage. Development, neglect, coastal erosion and other climate-related factors all pose significant threats that are not yet well understood in terms of their scale or their potential mitigation. Social, educational and technological factors pose risks to collections, archives and intangible cultural heritage. This theme highlights possible looming crises for archaeologists, heritage resource managers and the public, as well as potential policy, education and technological solutions.

While the 2019 Conference Committee encourages participants to think about the theme when planning their sessions and papers, we welcome all abstracts related to archaeology in Canada or by Canadian archaeologists abroad, regardless of the theme.

A general call for papers is open and the deadline for paper abstract submissions is April 5, 2019. These can also be submitted online.

We look forward to seeing you all in Quebec City!

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