Dear Friends and Colleagues:
As you know, Bill C-38 will result in a massive reduction to Parks Canada’s archaeologists and conservators. The Canadian Archaeological Association unanimously adopted the following resolution at our Annual General Meeting on May 19, 2012: “We propose that the Canadian Archaeological Association take a strong position against these cuts to personnel and infrastructures and that it seeks the support of appropriate organizations in Canada and abroad.”
Our letter to Prime Minister Harper is provided below.
We have sought support from Canadian and international colleagues and have received letters sent to the federal government by the Association des Archéologues du Québec, the Nova Scotia Archaeological Society, Laval University, the Society for American Archaeology and the Society for Historical Archaeology. Some copies of these letters are provided below. We are expecting additional letters.
How can you help? Write, phone or e-mail your local MP and the following officials:
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada,
Peter Kent, Minister of the Environment,
James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages,
Alan Latourelle, Chief Executive Officer, Parks Canada
We must express our outrage to get the government’s attention.
Additional information includes material borrowed with the kind permission of Tim Rast. I urge you all to visit Tim has posted material about the cuts to Parks Canada including several interviews from across the country addressing the severe problems these cuts will cause.
Also visit the Canadian Archaeological Association Facebook page for news on this issue:
As your new president, I would also like to thank William Moss, Quebec City, for assistance in contacting many of our international colleagues.
Please step up and do your part. This issue requires your attention.
We are also not alone, Library and Archives Canada is also being drastically affected – collections are being decentralized and scattered across the country. It is ironic that a government that spotlights the war of 1812, restores the Royal to the navy and air force doesn’t seem to care about anything else in the history of this country.
William Ross