The Roscoe Wilmeth Award for Service

The Roscoe Wilmeth Award recognizes outstanding, long-term service by a CAA member to the Canadian Archaeological Association or to Canadian Archaeology. It is not necessarily awarded every year, and it may be awarded to more than one nominee in a given year.

Roscoe Wilmeth worked as an archaeologist at the Archaeological Survey of Canada (National Museum of Man) from 1965 until 1981, during which time he held the positions of Prairie Archaeologist, Head of the Western Canada Section, Head of the Salvage Section, and Plateau Archaeologist.  Through the late 1960s and 1970s he administered the Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database, as well as the collaboration between the ASC and the GSC for dating archaeological carbon samples.  In this capacity he released several publications of Canadian archaeological carbon dates, and also presented critical evaluations of dates and of the method itself.  During that time it was Roscoe to whom Canadian archaeologists submitted their samples for dating at the GSC, and whom they had to satisfy as to the suitability of the sample, with regard to both chemistry and archaeological context.  Roscoe served as President of the CAA for two years, from 1974 to 1975.  When not wielding the gavel himself, Roscoe performed an essential service for the CAA every year by making "the Roscoe motion" to adjourn the annual business meeting.

The award will be announced during the awards ceremony at the CAA Annual Meeting.

Deadline for Nominations: January 31 of each year February 16, 2025

The nomination package should include:

  • A cover letter that includes the nominee’s years of membership to the CAA and an overview of the nominee’s outstanding service to the organization or Canadian archaeology more broadly and
  • Two letters of support by active CAA members
Nominations should be submitted using the award nomination form.

Please note that if the nomination package is incomplete, the nomination will not be considered valid and therefore will not be evaluated.

Award Recipients