Dec 11, 2012
The Canadian Archaeological Association is joined by other organizations in our opposition to the change in name and purpose of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, soon to be the Canadian Museum of History.
We are concerned that the new mandate places a disproportionate emphasis on Canadian history after confederation at the expense of the human history and our cultural achievements as a whole, and particularly those of the peoples who have occupied these lands since time immemorial. We are also concerned that the apparent de-emphasis on research and the management and acquisition of collections undermines the museum’s ability to facilitate the production of knowledge about Canada’s past.
The specific changes to the Museums Act can be read here:
Members of the CAA and the general public who share our concerns are asked to write an express their opinions to:
James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages
Mark O’Neill, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Other media releases and letters of support can be accessed below:
Letter from Ellen Judd, CAS-SCA
Toronto Star Article, "Whose history on display at new museum?"
CAUT opposes destruction of Canadian Museum of Civilization