Reporting to the Territorial Archaeologist, the Project Assessment Archaeologist reviews and makes recommendations concerning the mitigation of heritage resource impacts resulting from land use and development projects in Nunavut.
Tourism and Culture is seeking a collaborative and enthusiastic archaeologist to lead our archaeology program. This is a full time indeterminate position, working 75 hours biweekly.
The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development is the Province’s land manager, responsible for stewardship of Provincial Crown land, cultural and natural resources.
The Canadian Institute of Planners, in partnership with the Manitoba Professional Planners Institute, is hosting its 2018 National Conference in Winnipeg (July 19–22, 2018).
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is seeking a professor who will be responsible for teaching and curriculum leadership in the field of Anthropology.
The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University, invites applications for a tenure-stream position in the field of Activist Archaeology at the rank of Assistant Professor to commence on July 1, 2018.