News and Announcements

Jul 13, 2016
Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage logo "Perpetuation" created by lessLIE

The Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH) Project, an international research initiative based at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada share nine insightful reports created by community partners around the globe.

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Jul 01, 2016

Applications are invited for a probationary (tenure-track) appointment in the area of Biological Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Science, Western University at the rank of Assistant Professor effective July 1, 2017, or as negotiated.  We are seeking a Biological Anthropologist with a focus on Bioarchaeology, studying the intersection of culture, biology and environment in the past using archaeometric methods.  Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in human skeletal analysis.

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Jun 21, 2016
CAA Newsletter Survey

The CAA/ACA is reviewing Newsletter content and format to better serve you. Take our survey today:

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Sep 23, 2015

Dear Mr. Mayor,

As you probably know, the archaeological research conducted this summer as part of the Turcot Interchange reconstruction project led to the discovery of archaeological remains of an exceptional value. It is actually under the structure of the existing interchange that the foundations of many buildings three centuries old and constituting the old district of Saint-Henri-des-Tanneries came to light. Among these remains are the walls of houses and tanneries dating as far back as the year 1670, the canalisation of the former Glen brook which drained the former lac à la Loutre (Otter Lake), as well as thousands of artifacts of all kinds: architectural elements, wooden barrels, pieces of leather, work tools, dishes, animal bones, a safe, coins, smoking pipes, leather shoes, clothing buttons, and even toys, reflecting the varied activities of the men, women and children who once inhabited the area now buried. The preservation of these remains is absolutely remarkable and its spatial extent is impressive.

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Aug 17, 2015

Current Research Online (CRO), is a web-based clearinghouse of archaeological research hosted by the Society for American Archaeology (SAA). CRO is not simply for finished/completed research projects, but also for on-going/continuing projects. You do not need to be a member of the SAA or CAA to submit to CRO.

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Jul 07, 2015

The members of the Canadian Archaeological Association, the Canadian Art Museum Directors Organization (CAMDO), and the International Council of Museums Canada (ICOM Canada) denounce the directed and intentional destruction of cultural heritage and heritage sites within Iraq and Syria.

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Jul 01, 2015

On behalf of the Canadian Arcaheological Association executive and membership, we would like to congradulate Dr. E. Leigh Syms on his induction into the Order of Canada for his contributions to preserving Aboriginal artifacts and for his efforts to advance public awareness of archaeology in Maniotba.

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May 07, 2015

Parks Canada Agency (PCA) is looking to create an inventory of Canadian flintknappers with specialty or background in material culture of indigenous cultures of the central and eastern arctic including Independence, Dorset, Thule, and Inuit cultures.

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