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Hunter-gatherer Mobility, Territoriality, and Placemaking in the Kawartha Lakes
Region, Ontario

Left: Archaeological site distribution and major water features. Right: Ancient cemeteries and mound clusters. Circles are 10 km diameter to provide scalar reference. A: Gannon’s Narrows (Pigeon L.); B: Katchewanooka L.; C: Central Ontonabee (Peterborough); D: Mouth of the Ontonabee R.; E: Month of the Indian R.; F: Mouth of the Ouse R.; G: Strong Water Rapids; H: Percy Reach Rapids (right). Connolly, Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(2):187, 190.

Méthodologie appliquée aux déchets de fabrication en os : Reconstruire les
chaines opératoires par l’approche technologique

Exemples de négatifs d’enlèvement d’éclats (à gauche sans accentuation, à droite avec relief accentué). Boisvert, Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(2):218.

Chronometric Precision and Accuracy: Radiocarbon and Luminescence Age
Estimates for Pacific Northwest Cooking Features

Left: Map of study area and the location of the three sample sites. Right: Scatterplot with linear regression of luminescence and radiocarbon ages. Linear regressions were fitted to intercept at 0,0 assuming that if there is congruence between the dating techniques that they should have the same zero point. Vertical error bars indicate the two-sigma error for radiocarbon dates, and the horizontal error bars indicate the one-sigma error for luminescence ages. Line models and R2 values are provided in the chart area for comparisons of calcined bone/luminescence and charcoal/luminescence. Brown et al., Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(2):243, 247.

The Pierce-Embree Site: A Palaeoindian Findspot from Southwestern Nova Scotia

Left: Photo of the findspot, facing east. The archaeologist is standing at the approximate location where the point was recovered. Thus, the point was found at the edge of the extreme high-tide mark, and is only inundated for a few hours a day. The erosion of the site was likely caused by storm surges and associated wave action over a long duration. Right: Photo of the obverse face of the Pierce-Embree Point. Betts et al., Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(2):256, 257.

Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(1)
Special Issue:

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Archaeological Association

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Journal canadien d'archéologie 42(1)
Numéro thématique :

Pour célébrer le 50e anniversaire de l’Association canadienne d’archéologie

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Table des matières

Applying a Bayesian Approach in the Northeastern North American Context: Reassessment of the Temporal Boundaries of the “Pseudo-Scallop Shell Interaction Sphere”

Some diagnostic traits of pots belonging to the Eastern PSS Horizon. Méhault, Canadian Journal of Archaeology 41(2):142.

Elements of an Ancient Tsimshian Dwelling: An Archaeology of Architecture in Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia

Diagram of a North Salish dwelling showing slung walls supported using the tying and sewing technique, from Waterman and Greiner 1921:15, courtesy National Museum of the American Indian, image # PO8898. Patton, Canadian Journal of Archaeology 41(2):277.

Collaborative Public Archaeology in Manitoba: The Rural Museum Archaeological Outreach Project at Brandon University

Students testing artifact photography equipment at Brandon University. From left to right: Britney Weber, Ariel Neufeld, Krista Murray, and Zoey Black. Malainey et al., Canadian Journal of Archaeology 41(2):333.

Le Journal canadien d’archéologie (JCA) est la publication biannuelle de l’Association canadienne d’archéologie. Le JCA publie des travaux de recherche originaux sur des sujets relevant du domaine de l’archéologie canadienne, ou d’intérêt théorique ou méthodologique plus général. Le rédacteur de la revue est assisté par un Comité éditorial consultatif pour déterminer les orientations de la revue et la sollicitation des soumissions. Le JCA accepte des soumissions d’articles en anglais et en français.

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Le Journal canadien d'archéologie est publiée de l'Association canadienne d'archéologie.
Aspen Woods Postal Outlet, Box 15075
Calgary, Alberta T3H 0N8

ISSN: 0705–2006  |  ISSN: 2816-2293 (online)