The Washout site on Herschel Island, northern Yukon Territory, is one of only a few prehistoric Neoeskimo sites on the Yukon North Slope, and has yielded the earliest known Thule component in the greater Mackenzie Delta region. This report outlines NOGAP salvage excavation of two archaeological features at Washout, performed during the 1985 and 1986 field seasons. The first feature is a late prehistoric semi-subterranean house which yielded a diverse artifact sample and a faunal sample dominated by ringed seal bones. The second feature contained a small artifact sample and poorly defined structural remains which preclude conclusive interpretation. However, the faunal sample, which contains a preponderance of fish bones, may indicate a warm-season occupation. This new information contributes substantially to current understanding of prehistoric subsistence and settlement variability in the Mackenzie Delta region.