Can mineralogy tell us about inequality? X-ray diffraction as an archaeological tool

Conference Paper


Current research at the Chalcolithic site of Tel Tsaf, Israel is focused on identifying the emergence of economic inequality. My PhD project employs a number of geology and geochemistry procedures. This paper is focused on the potential of X-ray Diffraction (XRD) in archaeological contexts. This technique is being used at Tel Tsaf to identify the mineralogy of wall and floor plaster, as well as mudbrick. It is hoped that comparing and contrasting composition can demonstrate variation in floor construction and quality of plaster. In addition, the composition of mud-bricks used to construct various architectural forms may indicate whether all the bricks were constructed using the same material and technique, or if there is variation in quality and composition of material across structures. These results may indicate either variation in use of space or an unequal access to resources.