Three Seasons at Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba

Conference Paper


The Lower Fort Carry Archaeological Project under the Chairmanship of Dr. William J. Mayer-Oakes and direction of James V. Chism has completed three seasons of excavation. This nineteenth Century Hudson's Bay Company site near Winnipeg, Manitoba, is being excavated through a Canadian Historic Sites Service contract by the Laboratory of Anthropology, University of Manitoba. Excavations included: two large cattle barns; the ox stable; a horse stable; a troop barracks; a large L-shaped troop latrine; a large root cellar; a troop canteen; the miller's residence; the farm manager's residence; the grain flailing barn; a structure which housed a gristmill-lumber mill-metal lathe room and malting barn; the malt kiln; the distillery and brewery; the spirits and beer cellar; the fur loft basement entranceway; a cluster of small buildings which may have been an oven; smokehouse and storage shed; location of original flooring under an extant bastion; the site of a store-house; the miller's residence; a limekiln; a possible saw pit; the prison palisade; parts of a system of roadways outside the fort walls; the supposed site of the herdsman's house; the supposed site of the boat yards; the supposed site of the lime storage house and various testing operations throughout the fort. At the factor's residence excavations included an outhouse, sunken areaway, the original porch footings, basement floorings and a formal driveway.