A Chain is not a Sequence: The Temporality of the Chaîne Opératoire

Conference Paper


Over the last ten years the concept of the chaîne opératoire has been widely adopted by North American lithic analysts. In the process the chaîne opératoire has come to be viewed as largely synonymous with reduction sequence and an emphasis has been placed on the aspect of the chaîne opératoire that recognizes the dynamic nature of stone tool production. This emphasis on the dynamic or sequential aspects of the chaîne opératoire has come at the cost of neglecting the importance the chaîne opératoire affords to the concepts that underlie technical processes. This paper will focus on the ambiguous temporality of the chaîne opératoire . Recognizing the temporal complexity of the chaîne opératoire is an important step in understanding the implications of this concept to a holistic approach to lithic analysis that includes the knowledge and skill of the knapper.