Dans ce numéro :
- Geochemistry of Pre-Contact Potsherds from Southern Mainland Nova Scotia: Constraints on Pottery Pathways – J. Victor Owen, John D. Greenough, Megan Himmelman, and Stephen T. Powell
- Pour une typologie stylistique chrono-thématique des faïences françaises retrouvées dans les anciennes colonies d’Amérique (XVIIe–XVIIIe s.) – Laetitia Métreau, Jean Rosen, Caroline Girard, et Réginald Auger
- Standardization, Reliability, and Paleoindian Ovate Biface Production: A View from 20-Cl-227, the Round Lake Site Cache, Clinton County, Michigan, USA – Dillon H. Carr and William A. Lovis
- Searching for Evidence of Maize Consumption at Cluny: Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Dog and Bison Bone Collagen – Kim Edwards, Dale Allen Walde, and M. Anne Katzenberg
- Chronological Modeling and Insights on European-St. Lawrence Iroquoian Interaction from the Roebuck Site, Ontario – Jennifer Birch, Carley A. Crann, and Jean-Luc Pilon
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