Updating nearshore and shoreline archaeology: Boat graveyards, wharf piles, harbour jetsam, and always more

Session Hosting Format: 
in-person session
Vendredi, mai 2, 2025 - 1:20pm
Queen's College 4001
  • Marie Trottier
  • Thomas Garneau-Lelièvre
  • Louis Duval
  • Brad Loewen
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Session Description (300 word max): 

Archaeology has eternal love for shipwrecks, especially those with a rich cargo and a famous name. Archaeology has been slower to warm to nearshore and shoreline sites, even though these sites do not lack suitors. Recreational divers succumb to the charm of boat and ship graveyards, wharf remains and scattered jetsam in harbours and moorages. Beach-walkers, after a major storm, discover the haunting remains of a ship long hidden by sand, or dislodged from its previous resting place. Kids and families tirelessly scramble on the overgrown ruins of their favourite abandoned canal, dam, wharf or timber slide. Many people intuitively espouse these sites as a true record of a land built on wood and water. A growing community of maritime archaeologists has also recognised the inner beauty of these abundant nearshore and shoreline sites, and reflected on the special challenges facing their inventory, protection and study.

The springboard for this session is the underwater site of a 19th-century boomtown on the Saint Lawrence River, Anse-aux-Batteaux, and its sister shoreline site, the monumental ruins of the Canal de Soulanges. Students from the Université de Montréal have investitaged these sites since 2017. To build a broader session, we invite updates on nearshore and shoreline sites – from both research and heritage perspectives. We invite reports on the vital community role in reporting, monitoring and investigating these sites. We invite multi-site, regional syntheses. We invite contributions from all archaeological periods that will deepen our understanding of strategic places in shaping the fluvial, lacustrine and maritime archaeological record over time. The work of Westerdahl (1992, 2006), Sherratt (2006) and Ford (2011) on maritime cultural landscapes, seen as physical networks of transport routes, nodes and portages, may help to structure such regional, deep-time archaeological approaches.

01:20 PM: Anse-aux-Batteaux (Les Coteaux, Québec): The submerged remains of a 19th-century river port and ship graveyard
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Marie Trottier - Université de Montréal

Located on the Saint Lawrence River about 40 km upstream of Montreal, the underwater site of Anse-aux-Batteaux (BhFn-32) represents a time of rapid development and ultimate decline for many small river ports. Founded as a company venture in 1823, this port underwent three dramatic cycles of growth and decline, before its transition into a residential village in the 20th century. The in situ remains of submerged structures tend to highlight periods of decline. Dominating the site are the ruins of five abandoned ships and two wharves from about 1830-1900. Based on structural surveys and wood species identification, this presentation focuses on the specific nature of each wreck and wharf, and inserts them in a timeline of local and regional maritime archaeology.

01:40 PM: Archaeology of a 19th-century river steamboat: the Chieftain?
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Thomas Garneau-Lelièvre - Université de Montréal

The underwater site of Anse-aux-Batteaux (BhFn-32), located in the Saint Lawrence River at the present-day village of Les Coteaux, includes the remains of five wrecks and three wharves from about 1830 to 1960. Three of the wrecks and two wharves appear on an 1870 plan of the port. This plan, prepared by an engineer tasked with rebuilding a different wharf in the bustling river port, is a snapshot of a dire moment in the history of Anse-aux-Batteaux, when the American outfitters Orton Pease and B.W. Bridges abandoned two barges and a steamboat. My master’s thesis is on the wreck of the steamer, whose underwater remains measure 34 metres by 6.7 metres in length and width. The remains include the ship’s flat bottom, its curved stem-post with an iron sole, the bilge knees, and disarticulated timbers from the ship’s flanks. Archival research has identified the Chieftain, launched in the same port in 1832, as the wreck’s possible name. The Chieftain’s career is a microcosm of steam navigation on the Upper Saint Lawrence in the 19th century

02:00 PM: Anse-aux-Batteaux in the 19th century: a case study of an underwater artefact scatter
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Luc Marier - Université de Montréal

Many historical ports have vast underwater artefact scatters, conceptualised by Gaëlle Dieulefet (2013) as palimpsests of regional transport networks – but also seen as an easy source of collectables by recreational divers. In 2024, we surveyed a portion of the artefact scatter at the underwater site of Anse-aux-Batteaux, a 19th-century river port in western Québec. The surveyed area covered about 20 by 50 metres, along the line of a wharf demolished about 1874. In addition to structural remains of the wharf, the surveyed area has a wide range of ceramic, glass and metal artefacts that carpet the surface of the submerged soil. Mapping, identifying and dating this extensive assemblage has produced new insights into the site’s timeline, notably indicating the wharf’s use as early as about 1830. The collection also sheds light on the commercial networks of the wharf’s owners, Orton Pease and his son-in-law B.W. Bridges, both originally from the United States and heavily involved in river transport along the Canada-US boundary.

02:20 PM: Uncovering the Mid-19th Century Central Toronto Waterfront– New Excavations at Union Station
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Christopher Menary - WSP

Recent excavations along a section of former waterfront in downtown Toronto have uncovered structures and artifacts that highlight the area’s role as a shipping hub and as a driver of Toronto’s mid-19th century boom. Metrolinx, a provincial transportation agency, is undertaking the Union Station Enhancement Project (USEP) to support GO Expansion throughout the region. Archaeologists from WSP actively monitored excavation work at Union Station, which involved removing fill materials deposited through land reclamation.

The monitoring work documented portions of five wharf structures dating from 1852-1884, remnants of structures built on top of the wharves, a portion of the Esplanade shoreline wall, and a late 19th century corduroy road. Among the wharves is a potential slipway or drydock associated with an early shipbuilding complex. Artifacts recovered include glimpses into 19th century life, nautical items lost from ships or dockside, and four Model 1865 Spencer Repeating Rifles.

This project a rare offered an opportunity to capture and document shoreline archaeological resources in three dimensions as they were exposed through the integration of high-precision survey equipment, photogrammetry, and terrestrial LiDAR technology. This integrated and technologically driven approach offers potential for outreach and engagement with the broader community and partners.

03:00 PM: Report on the Boultenhouse Shipyard Archaeological Project: A Non-Invasive Survey of a 19th Century Shipyard
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Cora Woolsey - St. Thomas University
  • John Yasuaki Somogyi-Csizmazia - North Island College
  • Leslie Shumka - Mt. Allison University
  • Mayaveye Walker-Titus - St. Thomas University
  • Amanda Hyslop - Terrane Geoscience
  • Stefan Kruse - Terrane Geoscience

The Boultenhouse Shipyard Archaeological Project conducted a non-invasive survey on the suspected site of the 19th century shipyard owned and operated by Christopher Boultenhouse in Sackville, New Brunswick. This land, deeded to the Tantramar Heritage Trust in 2006, was archaeologically investigated through non-invasive methods to add to what is known of the 19th century activities of Boultenhouse and in preparation for archaeological excavation. The survey consisted of a LiDAR survey, a resistivity survey, and a pedestrian survey, supplemented by aerial photos dating back to 1945 and historical maps and documents. The results of the survey revealed extensive subsurface cultural resources, including a linear feature believed to be the old (possibly pre-Loyalist) dyke and a square feature aligned to it, a linear feature running southwest to northeast (possibly a road), a linear feature running northwest to southeast (possibly another road), several rectangles of various sizes, and a circular feature. Of note, the position of one of the rectangles is likely the remnants of the blacksmith shop indicated on a historic map of the shipyard. These findings confirm significant cultural resources and suggest the exact location of historically reported activities such as shipbuilding and pre-Loyalist agricultural use of the dykelands.

03:20 PM: Grandiose visions, monumental remains: coming to archaeological terms with the Soulanges Canal, 1893-1960
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Louis A. Duval - Université de Montréal

In the late 19th century, the Saint Lawrence River became the economic and symbolic lifeline of the young Canadian state, as a series of major canals improved navigation between Montréal and the Great Lakes. My master’s thesis studies the remains of the Soulanges Canal, built to the highest technological standards in the 1890s, and used until the opening of the modern Seaway in 1960. Today, the canal’s 20-kilometre corridor of infrastructures, upstream of Montréal, is largely abandoned. Its monumental remains of berms, bridges, locks, offices and an electrical power station form an extraordinary assemblage of canal technology of this period. The remains also shed light on the technological and ideological context of the time, when modernisation went hand in hand with nation-building.

03:40 PM: Reservoirs of Knowledge: artifact collectors and collections from southwest Nova Scotia
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Benjamin Pentz - Echoes CHM

In 2011, a project designed to bridge the gap between archaeologists and artifact collectors demonstrated that objects removed from the shores of the Lake Rossignol Reservoir, and other waterways impacted by the hydro-dams, could still contribute to the archaeological record of southwest Nova Scotia. Respectful engagement with local collectors enabled the context of more than 1,300 artifacts, from 23 collections, to be documented and preserved in an annotated photographic database.

Reaching out to collaborate with the collector-community through this simple, low-cost project, offered insight into the motivations of different collectors and helped reconcile past affronts by heritage professionals. It also provided an opportunity to share archaeological knowledge about these artifacts and talk with collectors about the importance of detailed recording and managing the cultural values of heritage sites.

Fostering honest and collaborative relations in the communities where archaeologists work, as researchers and consultants, is important for “social license to operate”. Furthermore, it remains urgent to record the time-sensitive knowledge of collectors before memories fade, leaving the significance of their collections forever mute.

04:00 PM: What happens to small ports when ships no longer call? Coteau Landing’s transition to villégiature as a case study in changing shoreline occupation modes
Format de présentation : In-Person
Auteur-e(s) :
  • Brad Loewen - Université de Montréal

Since 2017, researchers from the Université de Montréal have investigated an underwater site featuring the wharves and abandoned ships of a 19th-century river port. Founded by a transport company in 1823, Coteau Landing adapted to many changes before closing down about 1912. The underwater archaeological sequence then extends to include the remains of a grand boathouse, built about 1935 by a Montréal merchant as part of his Arts-and-Crafts summer residence. Lucien Pinsonnault’s boathouse became the postcard symbol of the villégiature that transformed Coteau Landing into a desirable waterfront vacation centre. Far from being a unique example, the port’s 20th-century transformation is a case study in changing shoreline occupation modes occurring in many parts of the world. Here we examine factors of continuity in the port’s transition to a summer playground for affluent Montréalais. Despite the demolition of aging warehouses, villégiature preserved the features of wharves and seasonal habitat, and reproduced the “maritime” spatial structure of mobility, seasonality, gender roles, and socio-economic status.