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Grabert, Garland F. 1979  Pebble Tools and Time Factoring. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 3:165-175.
Graham, James W., Dion J. Wiseman, and Bev Nicholson. 2005  A Mobile GIS Application for Conducting Archaeological Surveys. Nanaimo.
Graham, James. 2003  Les voies de circulation : utilisation du SIG. Hamilton.
Graham, Shawn. 2006  Community Building and Archaeology: An Experience in Western Quebec. Toronto.
Graham, James, Dion J. Wiseman, Garry L. Running, IV, and Matthew Boyd. 2004  Quantifying Resource Diversity on the Northern Plains. Winnipeg.
Grainger, D. 1981  Data management and manipulation in archaeology: assessment criteria applied against two computerized systems in Canada. Edmonton.
Gramly, Michael. 1992  Site Locations and Hypothesized Hunting Strategies for the Magalloway Valley Clovis, Western Maine. London.
GRANANDER, Hans. 1998  Archaeology and Forestry on the Mid Coast of British Columbia. Victoria.
W. Gray, Barry, and Jeanie Tummon. 1992  Sainte Marie Re-Visited: 1987-90 Excavations at Sainte Marie Among the Hurons. London.
GRAY, Nadine. 1998  Chultunob at X-ual-canil, Belize. Victoria.
Jackson, Lawrence. 2018  Review of Giant Sloths and Sabertooth Cats: Extinct Mammals and the Archaeology of the Ice Age Great Basin, by Donald K., Grayson. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 42 (2):277-278.
Greaves, Sheila. 1998  Stone Tool Technology In Mountain Housepit Sites. Victoria.
Greaves, Sheila. 2007  Review of Oldman River Dam Stone Features Study: Prehistoric Archaeology Mitigation Program Technical Series, by Barry J., Dau. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 31 (1):115-118.
GREEN, D'Arcy. 1997  Update on the Oxbow Dam Site: The excavation continues after forty years / Site Oxbow Dam : 40 ans plus tard, les fouilles continuent. Saskatoon.
Green, Jenna. 2008  The Use of Caves in Taino Religion. Peterborough.
Greene, Nancy A. 2004  Preliminary Mapping of Comox Bay, B.C. Fish Traps. Winnipeg.
Greene, Nancy A. 2005  A New Angle on Northwest Coast Fish Trap Technologies: GIS Total Station Mapping of Intertidal Wood-Stake Features at Comox Harbour, B.C. Nanaimo.
Greene, Nancy A., David C. McGee, and Roderick J. Heitzmann. 2015  The Comox Harbour Fish Trap Complex: A Large-Scale, Technologically Sophisticated Intertidal Fishery from British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 39(2):161-212.
Greenfield, Haskel J. 1997  The Origins of Metallurgy - A Zooarchaeological Approach / Les origines de la métallurgie : une approche zooarchéologique. Saskatoon.
Greenfield, Haskel J. 2002  Review of Europe's First Farmers, by Douglas, T. Price. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):243-245.
Greenfield, Haskel J. 2004  Spatial patterning of Early Iron Age metal production at Ndondondwane, South Africa: the question of cultural continuity between the Early and Late Ir. Winnipeg.
Greer, Sheila. 1994  Traditional Knowledge in Site Recognition and Definition. Edmonton.
Greer, Sheila, Diane STRAND, and Alexander P. Mackie. 2005  The Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi (long ago person found) Discovery: An Update. Nanaimo.
Greer, Sheila, Diane STRAND, Gregory Hare, and Ruth GOTTHARDT. 2001  Southern Yukon Ice Patch Research 2000:Understanding the Phenomena. Banff.