Similkameen Pictographs: Conservation via Cultural Tourism and Public Awareness

Conference Paper

Similkameen Pictographs: Conservation via Cultural Tourism and Public Awareness

Brenda Gould; Charlene Allison


The pictographs of the Similkameen have long fascinated visitors and researchers alike. The Upper Similkameen Indian Band has been undertaking a number of initiatives over the past several years with respect to conservation and management of these sites. Initiatives include working with Parks Canada to have sites commemorated as a National Historic Monument as well as opening up one of the sites to public tours. The Band is also currently negotiating with the Province of BC to allow the Band increased involvement in the management of these sites. Additionally, management plans are being negotiated with stakeholders to reduce the occurrences of accidental desecration and destruction. The Band was also instrumental in having the publication 'Exploring BC's Pictographs' recalled in 2003 due to the risk that this book posed to site integrity and conservation.Through public awareness and increased involvement by the Band at the local level the pictographs of the Similkameen are now receiving an increased amount of attention in regards to conservation. Other initiatives proposed for the immediate future include a detailed inventory of sites, their condition and conservation requirements.The Band recognizes the need for increased protection of the sites, especially those that might be opened up for tourism. Once a site is opened up for tours the Band will be monitoring it daily and assessing condition on a regular basis to ensure site integrity.