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David, Mazzucchi. 2001  A 10,000 year record of vegetation and fire from Pyramid Lake, Northwestern British Columbia. Banff.
Davies, Michelle Tari. 2020  Unsettled Archaeology with a Resettled Community: Practicing Memory, Identity, and Archaeology in Hebron. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 44(1):066-082.
Davis, Stephen A. 1989  Prehistory of Southeastern Nova Scotia. Fredericton.
DAVIS, Leslie B. 2001  Folsom Complex Antecedents in Montana: The MacHaffie and Indian Creek Paleoindian Occupational Sequences. Banff.
DAVIS, Leslie B., and Marvin KAY. 1999  Microwear Determination of Paleoindian Flake Graver Functions in Montana Rockies Assemblages. Whitehorse, Yukon.
Davis, A. 1981  The pollen record as an indicator of site environment and economy. Edmonton.
Davis, Stephen A. 1993  Private Collections from Southwestern Nova Scotia. Montreal.
Davis, Stephen A. 1988  William A. Russell (19284987). Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 12:223-225.
DAVIS, Steve. 1994  History of Archaeology in Nova Scotia. Edmonton.
Davis, Stephen A., and David Christianson. 1988  Three Palaeo-indian Specimens from Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 12:190-196.
Milne, Laurie. 2018  Review of Pisskan: Interpreting First Peoples Bison Kills at Heritage Parks, edited by Leslie B. Davis and John W. Fisher, Jr. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 42 (2):283-286.
DAVIS, Leslie. 1998  Early Prehistoric Lifeways and Historic Placer Mining: Golden Paleoindian Research Opportunities in the Northern Rockies of Montana. Victoria.
Davis, Stephen A. 2001  Contract Archaeology in Nova Scotia:The Good,The Bad and The Ugly. Banff.
DAWE, Bob. 1999  Clovis Beveled Shafts: What's the Point? Whitehorse, Yukon.
DAWE, Bob. 1997  Lost Toys, Ancient Children, and the Archaeology of Play / Jouets perdus, enfants d'autrefois et archéologie du jeu. Saskatoon.
DAWE, Bob. 1994  Tiny Arrowheads: Toys in the Toolkit. Edmonton.
DAWE, Bob, and Alwynne BEAUDOIN. 2000  Black Goo on a Rock: Linking Ethnohistory and Archaeology. Ottawa.
DAWE, Bob, and Brian Ronaghan. 1998  The James Pass Longnecked Point: An Early Archaic Side Notched Point Type From The Front Ranges Of The Rocky Mountains. Victoria.
Dawson, Peter. 1993  Good Fences Make Good Neighbours Understanding the Spatial Logic of Hunter-Gatherer Residence Patterning. Montreal.
Dawson, K.C.A. 1977  An Application of the Direct Historical Approach to the Algonkians of Northern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 1:151-181.
Dawson, K.C.A. 1976  Historic Populations of Northwestern Ontario. Winnipeg.
Dawson, K.A.C. 1976  The Nyman site. A seventeenth century Algonkian camp on the north shore of Lake Superior with Appendix A: Faunal analysis by James A. Burns. Bulletin 8:001-059.
Dawson, Peter. 2010  Review of Through Darkening Spectacles: Memoirs of Diamond Jenness, by Diamond, Jenness and Stuart E. Jenness. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 34 (2):273-276.
DAWSON, Peter C., and Kate A. Peach. 2001  Re-defining the Northern Limits of the Devils Lake-Sourisford Burial Complex: New Evidence from The Pas, Manitoba. Banff.