Spring has finally turned to summer and many of us are taking advantage of the long-awaited good weather to get some field work done. Depending on where we are geographically located, some of our plans are likely to have been altered by forest fires that continue to ravage many parts of the country, bringing devastation to those in the affected areas. The well-being and safety of our fellow citizens is paramount and our thoughts are with all those who have been personally impacted. When the fires are extinguished and the ash settles, our members will begin to assess the damage these forest fires may have caused to our archaeological heritage and how we may draw on our collective energies and expertise to address the destruction.
The shared values and community spirit that brings us together was apparent at our annual meeting this spring in Sydney, Nova Scotia at the Membertou Trade and Convention Center on the Membertou First Nation Reserve. We were delighted to host this event with the Maw-lukutijik Saqmaq (Assembly of Nova Scotia Mikmaw Chiefs) with the support of Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn, the conference planning team, volunteers, and our host community, the Membertou First Nation. Many thanks again for welcoming us to Mi'gma'gi, and cheers to everyone who helped make this a successful event.
At the annual general meeting we announced the results of our recent elections, thanks to all who cast their vote. A big welcome to our newest Board members Katie Cottreau-Robins (President Elect), Helen Dunlop (CJA Editor), and Solene Mallet Gauthier (Secretary). And a big thank you to Lisa Hodgetts (past President), John Creese (past CJA Editor), and Maryssa Barras (past Secretary) for all your hard work in your respective roles. It was a pleasure to work with you on the Board and you will be missed. We at the Board are delighted that Lisa and Maryssa are continuing their involvement in committee work. John we wish you all the best going forward.
Congratulations to all of this year’s award winners, David Black (Smith-Wintemberg), Craig Roomsmair (Public Communications - Social Media), the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society (Public Communications - Professional/Institutional), William Dumas and Rhian Brynjolson (Public Communications - Writer-Producer). Thanks also to those who nominated a candidate. We are always impressed by the calibre of the submissions and encourage everyone to consider nominating, or re-nominating, a candidate next year.
In a previous message I announced the addition of Jade Ross (Social Media Coordinator) to our CAA team. If you have a message or information that you would like the CAA to consider posting please reach out directly to Jade at jbross@lakeheadu.ca
Looking ahead to CAA 2025 we are still accepting submissions for a conference host. If you would like to explore this further, contact me president@canadianarchaeology.com
Wishing everyone a safe and productive summer, see you in the fall!