The Margaret and James F. Pendergast award is awarded by the CAA to recognize exemplary contributions to Canadian archaeology by an avocational archaeologist. Membership in the CAA is not required. Eligible candidates should embody all the principles of the CAA and be a positive role model for archaeology among the Canadian public. Candidates must have conducted archaeological research as evidenced by publications and/or papers delivered at national, provincial/territorial archaeological conferences.
The commemorative award will be presented at a mutually convenient location for the recipient and the CAA executive. The award will also include one year's membership to the CAA. The winner will be announced during the awards ceremony at the CAA annual meeting.
Deadline for Nominations: January 31 of each year February 16, 2025
The nomination package should include:
- Letter of introduction that highlights the nominee’s achievements, and
- Two letters of support from active CAA members, and
- Any supporting materials such as newspaper or journal articles deemed relevant may be included in the nomination dossier.
Please note that if the nomination package is incomplete, the nomination will not be considered valid and therefore will not be evaluated.
Récipiendaires du prix
- 2016 » Doug Davidge