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Gauthier, Solène Mallet, Allison Bain, and Heather Trigg. 2022  Change and Continuity in Early Nineteenth-Century Foodways in Québec City’s Lower Town. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 46(1):100-130.
Gauthier, Solène Mallet, and William T. D. Wadsworth.2023   Survey Déjà Vu: Lessons Learned from the Archaeological Re-mapping of a Métis Overwintering Settlement In Canadian Journal of Archaeology. Vol. 47., 2023.
Gauvin, Robert. 1993  Les passages voûtés de l'escarpe et la construction de l'enceinte ouest de Québec au milieu du 18e siécle. Montreal.
Geist, V. 1991  Review of Frozen Fauna of the Mammoth Steppe. The Story of Blue Babe, by Guthrie. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 15:256-257.
GELEAN, Shannon. 1998  Traditional Use Study Program of British Columbia, Canada. Victoria.
Gendron, Daniel. 1999  Boulder Field Archaeology in Nunavik: Methodological and Interpretative Issues / L'archéologie des champs de blocs au Nunavik: Problë. Whitehorse, Yukon.
Gendron, Daniel. 2007  Review of Introduction to Rock Art Research, by David S., Whitley. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 31 (2):261-263.
Gendron, Daniel, Pierre M. Desrosiers, and Noura Rahmani. 2003  Fouilles récentes au site de Tayara (KbFk-7). Hamilton.
Gendron, Daniel, Daniel Arsenault, Louis Gagnon, and Claude Pinard. 2000  Once Were... Shamen? Kiinatuqarvik: A Multidisciplinary Project of Unique Dorset Petroglyphs. Ottawa.
GENDRON, Danielle. 1998  The Nunavik Petroglyph Project: A Summary of the First Two Field Seasons /Le projet des pétroglyphes du Nunavik: un résumé des de. Victoria.
General, Paul, and Gary Warrick. 2006  Haudenosaunee (Six Nations) and Archaeological Perspectives on Site Preservation in Southern Ontario. Toronto.
George, Brandy E. 2006  Native North Americans and Archaeology: Struggling for Middle Ground. Toronto.
George, Brandy E. 2008  Manufacturing and Seasoning: Possibilities for Research Relating To Ontario Precontact Pottery Function. Peterborough.
GERLACH, Craig, Pete BOWERS, and Robin MILLS. 1999  Site Structure and the Organization of a Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Archaeological Site near Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska. Whitehorse, Yukon.
GERLACH, Craig. 2003  De l'utilisation des témoins historiques en gestion de la faune et en biologie de conservation en Alaska et au Canada. Hamilton.
GERLACH, Craig, Lawrence K. Duffy, and Maribeth S. Murray. 2003  évaluation des niveaux de mercure chez le caribou de l'Alaska de l'Antiquité et des temps modernes : conséquences pour. Hamilton.
GERLACH, Craig, and Maribeth S. Murray. 2001  Counting Coup or Counting Calories - The Role of Whaling in Thule Origins and the Eastern Expansion. Banff.
Germann, C. 1992  Full-Serve to Self-Serve: Saskatchewan's Archaeological Inventory Remote Access System. London.
Germann, Carlos, and Lorne CARRIER. 1998  Working Together: Reburial and Repatriation in Saskatchewan. Victoria.
Germann, Carlos. 1986  Review of Archaeology in Alberta 1983, edited by David Burley. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 10:225-226.
Germann, Carlos. 1994  Towards Archaeological Resource Co-Regulation and Management. Edmonton.
Alberti, Benjamin. 2017  Review of Yutopian: Archaeology, Ambiguity and the Production of Knowledge in Northwest Argentina, by Joan M., Gero. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 41 (1):117-120.
Gerrard, Richard. 1992  Museums, Cyberspace and the Construction of Archaeological Context. London.
Gibson, Terrance H., and Elizabeth May. 2004  Historical Resources and Economic Development: The Road Ahead for Bodo. Winnipeg.