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Cox, Steven L. 1992  The Pre-Dorset - Dorset Transition in Labrador. London.
Cox, Steven L. 1989  Cultural Stability and Change During the Pre-Dorset Period in Labrador. Fredericton.
Court, Emily M. 2008  Can mineralogy tell us about inequality? X-ray diffraction as an archaeological tool. Peterborough.
Court, Emily M., and Dana Campbell. 2006  From the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age: The Ceramic Sequence of Tell Rakan, Jordan. Toronto.
Coupland, Gary, Craig Bissell, and Sarah King. 1992  Prehistoric Subsistence and Seasonality at the McNichol Creek Site, Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia. London.
Coupland, Gary. 2012  Review of Huu7ii: Household Archaeology at a Nuu-chah-nulth Village Site in Barkley Sound, by Alan D., McMillan and Denis E. St. Claire. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 36 (2):340-344.
Coupland, Gary, and Kathlyn Stewart. 2004  Resource Ownership, Political Control: Evidence from the Boardwalk Site on the Northern Northwest Coast. Winnipeg.
Coupland, Gary. 1996  Review of The Archaeology of Rank (P.K. Wason) and Mortuary Variability and Status Differentiation on the Columbia-Fraser Plateau, by R.J., Schulting. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 20:154-159.
Coupland, Gary. 1991  The Point Grey Site: a Marpole Spring Village Component. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 15:073-096.
Coupland, Gary, Roger COLTEN, and Rebecca CASE. 1998  Preliminary Analysis of Socioeconomic Organization at the McNichol Creek Site, British Columbia. Victoria.
Coupland, Gary. 2004  Review of Archaeology of Coastal British Columbia: Essays in Honour of Professor Philip M. Hobler, edited by Roy L. Carlson. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 28 (1):154-157.
Coupland, Gary, Kathlyn Stewart, and Donna Naughton. 2000  Preliminary Investigation of a Regional Economy: Augering Village Middens at Prince Rupert Harbour. Ottawa.
Coupland, Gary. 2014  Editor's Notes. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38(2):iii-iv.
Coupland, Gary. 1985  Household Variability and Status Differentiation at Kitselas Canyon. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 9(1):039-056.
Coupland, Gary. 2013  Editor's Notes. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 37(2):iii-iv.
Coupland, Gary. 2018  Editor’s Notes. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(1):iii-iv.
Coupland, Gary. 2018  Introduction: 50 Down. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 42(1):001-003.
Coupland, Gary. 2014  Editor's Notes. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38(1):v-vi.
Coupland, Gary, Joan Banahan, and T. J. Hall. 2000  Mountains, Mists, and Middens: 25 Years of Archaeology on Canada''s West Coast. Ottawa.
Coupland, Gary, Craig Bissell, and Sarah King. 1993  Prehistoric Subsistence and Seasonality at Prince Rupert Harbour: Evidence from the McNichol Creek Site. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 17:059-073.
Coupland, Gary, Michael BLAKE, and Brian Thom. 1993  Social Complexity in the Fraser Valley: Evidence from the Scowlitz Site. Montreal.
Coupland, Gary. 2006  Hierarchy and Communalism: Tensions of Domestic Space in Northwest Coast Household Archaeology. Toronto.
Coupland, Gary. 1994  Review of Salmon and Storage: Southern Tutchone Use of an "Abundant" Resource, by B.L., O'Leary. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 18:150-152.
Coupland, Gary, and Kathlyn Stewart. 2005  Do You Never Get Tired of Salmon? Evidence for Extreme Subsistence Specialization at Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia. Nanaimo.