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DAVIS, Leslie B., and Marvin KAY. 1999  Microwear Determination of Paleoindian Flake Graver Functions in Montana Rockies Assemblages. Whitehorse, Yukon.
Davis, A. 1981  The pollen record as an indicator of site environment and economy. Edmonton.
Davis, Stephen A. 1993  Private Collections from Southwestern Nova Scotia. Montreal.
Davis, Stephen A. 1988  William A. Russell (19284987). Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 12:223-225.
DAVIS, Steve. 1994  History of Archaeology in Nova Scotia. Edmonton.
Davies, Michelle Tari. 2020  Unsettled Archaeology with a Resettled Community: Practicing Memory, Identity, and Archaeology in Hebron. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 44(1):066-082.
David, Mazzucchi. 2001  A 10,000 year record of vegetation and fire from Pyramid Lake, Northwestern British Columbia. Banff.
David, Nicholas, Kodzo Gavua, Scott A. MacEachern, and Judy Sterner. 1991  Ethnicity and Material Culture in North Cameroon. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 15:171-177.
Dau, Barry J. 1994  The 1988-1990 Stone Features Component of the Oldman River Dam Prehistoric Archaeology Mitigation Programme - A Review. Edmonton.
DARWENT, Christyann M. 1994  A Taphonomic Examination of Late Dorset Faunal Remains on Little Cornwallis Island, N. W. T. Edmonton.
Darwent, Christyann, John Darwent, and Genevieve LeMoine. 2005  Archaeological Survey at 78 Degrees North: Investigations in Inglefield Land, Northwestern Greenland. Nanaimo.
Darwent, John A., Genevieve LeMoine, Christyann M. DARWENT, and Hans Lange. 2006  Across from Ellesmere: Results of Archaeological Survey in Inglefield Land, Greenland. Toronto.
Danielson, Robert A. 1993  Thule Seal Hunting Techniques: A Practical Application of Mortality Profiles. Montreal.
DAMKJAR, Eric. 1999  The Tsiigehnjik Ethnoarchaeology Project: Excavations at Martin Zheh. Whitehorse, Yukon.
Damkjar, E. 1981  Life histories of some northwest coast celts. Edmonton.
DAMKJAR, Eric. 2000  Late Dorset Longhouses : a Look Inside. Ottawa.
DAMKJAR, Eric. 1998  An Unusual Pit Feature at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta. Victoria.
Damas, David. 1993  Review of Arctic Odyssey: The Diary of Diamond Jenness, 1913–1916, edited by S.E. Jenness. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 17:132-134.
Dale, Compiled By R. Jane, and Jean-Luc Pilon. 1991. Appendix II: NOGAP Bibliography. In CAA Occasional Paper No. 1, pp. 155-159. Vol. 1.
DAHLSTROM, Bruce. 1997  Origins of Sedentism on the Western Plateau: Evidence from the Baker Site (EdQx 43) / Origines de la sédentarité sur le plateau de l&#03. Saskatoon.
Daechsel, Hugh J. 1989  Towards a Greater Understanding of the Prehistory of Frontenac County: The Frontenac County Inventory. Fredericton.
D.R., Snow. 1969  Renewed Excavation at an Archaic Site in Central Maine. Toronto.
D'ANNIBALE, Cesare. 1993  Towards an Understanding of the Chalcolithic Chipped Stone Industry in Cyprus : The Ayios Savvas Material. Montreal.
A. D'ANDREA, Catherine. 1992  Palaeoethnobotany of Later Jomon and Earliest Yayoi Cultures of Northeastern Aomori Prefecture, Northeastern Japan. London.