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Dionne, Marie-Michelle. 2002  Raw Material and Stone Tool Management in the Context of a Middle Dorset Hunting Camp : A Study of Technological Activities and Cultural Choices. Ottawa.
Dincauze, Dena F. 2002  Review of Constructing Frames of Reference: An Analytical Method for Archaeological Theory Building Using Ethnographic and Environmental Data Sets, by Lewis R., Binford. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (1):083-087.
Dincauze, Dena F., and Victoria Jacobson. 2001  The Birds of Summer: Lakeside Routes into Late Pleistocene New England. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 25(1+2):121-126.
DILLMAN, Donna, and the Kwanlin Du Nation. 1999  Are You My People?: Native Anthropology by a Native Anthropologist. Whitehorse, Yukon.
DIETERMAN, Frank A. 1997  Space, Place and Landscape: dynamic modelling of cultural preferences for site selection / Espace, place et paysage : modéle dynamique de repr&. Saskatoon.
Dieterman, Frank. 2000  A gendered view of the landscape (A.D. 500-1200). Ottawa.
Diedrich, Melanie. 2005  Nuts, Seeds, and Raw Materials, Macrofloral Analysis at the Ancient Qwu?gwes Wet Site, Southern Puget Sound, USA. Nanaimo.
Dickson, Gary A. 1973  Preliminary Analyses of the Internal Structure of Large Sites in Northern Manitoba. Burnaby.
Dickinson, Pam, Brent Suttie, Sandy Glidden-Hachey, and Alyson Mercer. 2003  Résumé des études et des recherches en géoarchéologie à l'Université du Nouveau-Brunswick. Hamilton.
Dickinson, Pam. 2002  Late Maritime Woodland (Ceramic) And Palaeo-Indian Endscrapers: Stone Tool Technology. Ottawa.
DEWING, Natalie. 1998  Expanding the Horizon: Late Holocene Lithic Assemblages in Kamloops, B.C. Victoria.
Dewar, Genevieve. 2014  Review of Continuity and Change in Cultural Adaptation to Mountain Environments: From Prehistory to Contemporary Threats, edited by Ludomir Lozny. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38 (1):333-335.
Devereux, H. 1969  The Archaeologioal Identity of the Beothuck. Toronto.
Desrosiers, Pierre M., and Noura Rahmani. 2002  The Anthropology of Techniques: the French Approach. Ottawa.
Desrosiers, Pierre M. 2002  Review of A History of the Native People of Canada, Volume II (1,000 B.C.–A.D. 500), by James V., Wright. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):203-206.
Desrosiers, Pierre M., and Daniel Gendron. 2002  Experimentation on the Production of Slate Tools. Ottawa.
Desrosiers, Pierre. 2001  Review of L’Archéologie au Québec, Mots, Techniques, Objets, by Gilles, Tassé. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 25 (1+2):147-149.
Desrosiers, Pierre M., and Daniel Gendron. 2004  The GhGk–63 Site: A Dorset Occupation in Southeastern Hudson Bay, Nunavik. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 28(1):075-099.
Desrosiers, Pierre. 1993  Les secteurs archéologiques au Québec. Montreal.
Desrosiers, Pierre M., and Noura Rahmani. 2003  Approvisionnement en matiéres premiéres, mobilité et adaptation technique durant le Dorsétien au Nunavik. Hamilton.
Desmarais, Danii. 2020  Do My Braids Look Different? Indigenous Identity in Archaeology. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 44(1):133-152.
Desjardins, Pauline. 1993  Un tandem, archéologie et aménagement : Le nouveau Vieux-Port de Montréal. Montreal.
Desjardins, Benoît. 2000  La Mula (2100 to 1700 BP): From Incised to Polychrome Pottery, a Poorly Known Ceramic Style from Grand Cocle, Panama. Ottawa.
DESCHAMPS, Eric M., and Bernard LAURIOL. 1999  An Early Holocene Cave Deposit, Caverne de la Mine (Québec, Canada). Whitehorse, Yukon.
Dersch, Ave Tressa. 2005  Assigning Hearth Function through Paleoethnobotany. Nanaimo.