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Lothrop, Jonathan C. 2014  Review of In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition, edited by Joseph A. M. Gingerich. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 38 (1):349-353.
Allen, Patricia, Alice R. Kelley, Frances L. Stewart, and Dominique Bérubé. 2006  In Search of Commodore Walker. Toronto.
Glencross, Bonnie, Gary Warrick, and Beatrice Fletcher. 2021  In Search of Carhagouha: The Archaeological Identification of Two Early Seventeenth-Century Huron-Wendat Villages. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 45(2):158-180.
Crowder, Christian. 2003  Importance du contexte et de l'analyse dans la récupération des restes humains. Hamilton.
C.D., Arnold. 1976  Implications of the 'Sicco' Harpoon Head Type in Thule Culture. Winnipeg.
Wright, James V. 1978  The Implications of Probable Early and Middle Archaic Projectile Points from Southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 2:059-078.
Abbott, Don. 1973  Implications for Museums. Burnaby.
Ferguson, Albert M. 1989  Impact Assessment in New Brunswick: A Coordinated Approach. Fredericton.
Walde, Dale A. 2009  Review of Imagining Head-Smashed-In: Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains, by Jack W., Brink. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 33 (1):170-173.
French, Diana E. 2005  Images of Archaeology in North American Videos. Nanaimo.
Arsenault, Daniel. 1993  Images et contextes, quelques réflexions à propos du site Nisula (DeEh-1). Montreal.
G.Trigger, Bruce. 1978  Review of Images de la Préhistoire du Québec, by . Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 2:165-167.
Carr-Locke, Sarah E. 2001  The 'Image of the Indian' and archaeological theory in Canada: how has the use of theory discouraged First Nations involvement? Banff.
Balmer, Ann, and John Peters. 1992  An Illustration of Prehistoric Site Potential Mapping in Regional Studies. London.
Bernick, Kathryn. 2006  Identifying Anthropogenic Deposits in Alluvial Settings. Toronto.
Latta, Martha A. 1985  Identification of the 17th Century French Missions in Eastern Huronia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 9(2):147-171.
Campling, N.R. 1976  Identification of Swan River Chert. Winnipeg.
Newman, M., and P. Julig. 1989  The Identification of Protein Residues on Lithic Artifacts from a Stratified Boreal Forest Site. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 13:119-132.
Mathews, Zena Pearlstone. 1981  The Identification of Animals on Ontario Iroquois Pipes. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 5:031-048.
Doyle, Robert G. 1993  Identification and source location of lithic artifacts from the central Maine Coast. Montreal.
Kristmanson, Helen, and Michael Deal. 1993  The Identification and Interpretation of Finishing Marks on Prehistoric Nova Scotian Ceramics. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 17:074-084.
Lunn, Kevin. 1981  Identification and Dating of Lea and Perrins' Worcestershire Sauce Bottles on Canadian Historic Sites: Interpretations Past and Present. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 5:001-017.
Wilson, Michael C. 2007  Review of Ideas of Landscape, by Matthew, Johnson. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 31 (2):291-295.
Seibert, Jeffrey. 2012  Review of The Idea of Cultural Heritage (Revised edition), by Derek, Gillman. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 36 (1):206-209.