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Conference Paper
Anderson, Dennis E. 1968  Lake Agassiz Archaeology in Saskatchewan. Winnipeg.
BAIKIE, Gary. 1997  Labrador Culture, Heritage and the Inuit Land Claim in Labrador / La culture, le patrimoine et la revendication territoriale des Inuits au Labrador. Saskatoon.
Foreman, Lindsay. 2003  La vérité sur les cerfs, les tortues et les chiens : examen des interactions entre les humains et la faune chez les anciens Mayas. Hamilton.
Bélanger, Christian. 1993  La région Mezcala-Balsas et son intégration à la Mésoamérique préhispanique. Montreal.
Beaudet, Pierre, and Monique élie. 1993  La recherche archéologique : outil de gestion ou moyen de destruction? Montreal.
Chevrier, Daniel. 1993  La période préeurocanadienne dans la région de la Grande riviére de la Baleine (Hudsonie). Montreal.
Burke, Ariane. 2003  La paléontologie comme instrument pour déchiffrer les relations prédateur-proie et la chasse aux hominidés : étude. Hamilton.
Desjardins, Benoît. 2000  La Mula (2100 to 1700 BP): From Incised to Polychrome Pottery, a Poorly Known Ceramic Style from Grand Cocle, Panama. Ottawa.
Cannon, Aubrey. 1993  La diéte canine à Namu, Colombie-Britannique :Les implications pour l'interprétation zooarchéologique. Montreal.
Cloutier, Pierre. 1993  La céramique et le statut socio-économique des habitants de Québec au 18e siécle. Montreal.
Greer, Sheila, Diane STRAND, and Alexander P. Mackie. 2005  The Kwaday Dan Ts'inchi (long ago person found) Discovery: An Update. Nanaimo.
Gaunt, Sarah, and Sheila Greer. 2001  The Kwaday Dan Sinchi Discovery: Cultural Dimensions and Research. Banff.
Goriunova, Olga I., and Andrzej WEBER. 2003  Kurma XI : un nouveau cimetiére de l'âge du bronze sur le lac Baïkal. Hamilton.
Clark, Donald W. 1969  Koyukon Athapascan Houses as Seen Through the Eyes of Informants and Through Archaeology. Toronto.
Andrews, T. 1981  King Edward Spit-West: small sites and the late prehistoric occupation of the Old Crow Flats, northern Yukon Territory. Edmonton.
Black, David W. 2001  Kineo-Traveler Mountain Porphyry and Sea Mink Bones. Banff.
Goriunova, Olga Ivanovna. 2001  Khuzhir-Nuge XIV Cemetery: Mortuary Ritual and Culture Historical Context. Banff.
Ferguson, Rob. 2008  Kejimkujik: The Recording of Nineteenth-century Mi'kmaw Rock Art In Nova Scotia. Peterborough.
Fedje, Daryl. 2005  Karst Caves and Drowned Landscapes: Windows on Environmental Change and Archaeological Visibility at the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. Nanaimo.
Arsenault, Daniel, and Pascale Vaillancourt. 2000  Kaapehpeshapischinikanuuch,a rock outcrop on Nemaska Lake where paintings have been left forever... Multidisciplinary analysis of a unique pictograph. Ottawa.
DAWE, Bob, and Brian Ronaghan. 1998  The James Pass Longnecked Point: An Early Archaic Side Notched Point Type From The Front Ranges Of The Rocky Mountains. Victoria.
Casey, Joanna. 1992  It Ain't The Meat, Its the Motion: Subsistence and Mobility in Holocene Ghana. London.
FINNIGAN, James. 1998  Issues in Heritage Potential Modeling: A View from Central Saskatchewan. Victoria.
Chapdelaine, Claude. 1993  Iroquoians of the Saint Lawrence Valley: Increasing Regionalism. Montreal.