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Conference Paper
Clermont, Norman. 1998  On the Ottawa Valley, 5000Years Ago: The Morrison Island Site. Victoria.
Barta, Jodi Lynn. 2003  Ossements et contextes : le paléo-ADN et l'étude des maladies dans le passé. Hamilton.
DAHLSTROM, Bruce. 1997  Origins of Sedentism on the Western Plateau: Evidence from the Baker Site (EdQx 43) / Origines de la sédentarité sur le plateau de l&#03. Saskatoon.
Greenfield, Haskel J. 1997  The Origins of Metallurgy - A Zooarchaeological Approach / Les origines de la métallurgie : une approche zooarchéologique. Saskatoon.
Bonesteel, Sarah, S.Brooke Milne, Christine Cluney, Rhonda Bathurst, Meghan Burchell, and Peter Bangarth. 2003  Orientations actuelles et futures en archéologie à l'Université McMaster. Hamilton.
Eerkens, Jelmer. 2001  The organization of ceramic technology among highly mobile Great Basin groups. Banff.
Blair, Susan. 2002  Ordering the End of the Preceramic in the Maritime Peninsula: A Bayesian Analysis of Radiometric Dates. Ottawa.
Casagrand, Robert S. 1992  Oral Tradition, Archaeology, and the League of the Iroquois. London.
Fox, William, Patrick Julig, and Dan Long. 2006  Ontario Cherts Revisited. Toronto.
H., Gibson Terrance. 2001  Only in Alberta: Ancient and Modern Intensive Resource Procurement at the Bodo Bison Skulls Site. Banff.
Doroszenko, Dena. 1993  One Party Too Many? - Container and Table Glass From, the Inge-va Privy. Montreal.
Gendron, Daniel, Daniel Arsenault, Louis Gagnon, and Claude Pinard. 2000  Once Were... Shamen? Kiinatuqarvik: A Multidisciplinary Project of Unique Dorset Petroglyphs. Ottawa.
Clark, Terence, Genevieve Hill, and Kristina Bowie. 2006  Old Songhees Reserve (DcRu-25): A Newly Discovered Northwest Coast Wetsite. Toronto.
C.A., Dawson. Kenneth. 1969  Old Copper Artifacts from Northwestern Ontario. Toronto.
Dumais, Pierre, and Gilles Rousseau. 2002  Of Silt, Sand and Paleoindians at Squatec (ClEe-9): An Early Holocene Occupation in a Changing Landscape of Southeastern Quebec. Ottawa.
BEAUDOIN, Alwynne. 2001  Of Mud and Men: History of the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), Southern Alberta. Banff.
T. Friesen, Max. 1989  Of Moose and Maggots: Experimental Breakage of Decomposed, Fresh and Frozen Longbones by Pressure and Percussion. Fredericton.
Gordon, B. 1981  Of men and reindeer in French Magdalenian prehistory. Edmonton.
GIBSON, Terrance. 1998  Of GISs and PDAs: Strategies for Automated Archaeological Mapping and Field Data Collection. Victoria.
Amundson, L.J., and David Meyer. 2003  Occupation planoenne tardive au site de St. Louis, FfNk-7, dans le centre de la Saskatchewan. Hamilton.
Cook, John P. 1993  Obsidian in the Beringian Area: A Progress Report. Montreal.
Freeman, Gordon R., and Phyllis J. Freeman. 2000  Observational Archaeoastronomy at the Majorville Medicine Wheel Complex: Winter and Summer Solstice Sun Rise and Set Alignments Accurate to 0.2o. Ottawa.
Freeman, Gordon R., and Phyllis J. Freeman. 2000  Observational Archaeoastronomy at Stonehenge: Winter and Summer Solstice Sun Rise and Set Alignments Accurate to 0.2 o in 4000 BP. Ottawa.
Diedrich, Melanie. 2005  Nuts, Seeds, and Raw Materials, Macrofloral Analysis at the Ancient Qwu?gwes Wet Site, Southern Puget Sound, USA. Nanaimo.