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Ebert, David. 2002  Review of Excavation, by S., Roskams. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):233-235.
Desrosiers, Pierre M., and Daniel Gendron. 2002  Experimentation on the Production of Slate Tools. Ottawa.
Beaudoin, Alwynne B. 2002  Review of The Fisher Site: Archaeological, Geological and Paleobotanical Studies at an Early Paleo-Indian Site in Southern Ontario, Canada, by Peter, Storck. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (1):066-072.
Fitzgerald, William R., and Barbara Ribey. 2002  Forgotten, Found, then Lost: In Search of Bruce County's Past. Ottawa.
Hayden, Brian. 2002  Review of Hawaiki, Ancestral Polynesia: An Essay in Historical Anthropology, by Patrick V., Kirch and Roger C. Green. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):240-242.
Desrosiers, Pierre M. 2002  Review of A History of the Native People of Canada, Volume II (1,000 B.C.–A.D. 500), by James V., Wright. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):203-206.
Fitzhugh, William. 2002  Houses, Mounds, and Monuments: The Maritime Archaic As Seen From Outer Space. Ottawa.
Dickinson, Pam. 2002  Late Maritime Woodland (Ceramic) And Palaeo-Indian Endscrapers: Stone Tool Technology. Ottawa.
Brandon, Nicole E. 2002  Learning at the Source: A Comparison of Rhenish Stoneware from Ferryland, Newfoundland to Museum Originals in Germany. Ottawa.
Labrèche, Yves. 2002  Review of Les Habitudes Alimentaires des Habitants De L’Îlot Hunt(CeEt-110) de 1850 À 1900: Étude Archéozoologique, by Guylaine, Boucher. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):221-224.
Thibaudeau, Paul. 2002  Review of Lithics: Macroscopic Approaches to Analysis, by William, Andrefsky, Jr. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (1):078-079.
Denning, Kathryn. 2002  Local Pasts in a Global Present. Ottawa.
BLACK, David, and Brent D. Suttie. 2002  Middle Archaic Sites and Artifacts from Charlotte County, New Brunswick. Ottawa.
Brossard, Jean-Guy. 2002  A Museum in the City: the Site of the Founding of Montréal. Ottawa.
Oetelaar, Gerald A. 2002  Review of Native Title and the Transformation of Archaeology in the Postcolonial World, by . Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):217-220.
Arsenault, Daniel, and Amélie Langlais. 2002  New discoveries at the Kiinatugarvik site (JhEv-1). Ottawa.
Allen, Bill. 2002  No Longer a Terra Incognita. Ottawa.
Dumais, Pierre, and Gilles Rousseau. 2002  Of Silt, Sand and Paleoindians at Squatec (ClEe-9): An Early Holocene Occupation in a Changing Landscape of Southeastern Quebec. Ottawa.
Blair, Susan. 2002  Ordering the End of the Preceramic in the Maritime Peninsula: A Bayesian Analysis of Radiometric Dates. Ottawa.
Dyck, Ian. 2002  Review of Plains Indian Rock Art, by James D., Keyser and Michael A. Klassen. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26 (2):199-202.
Magne, Martin P. R., and Michael A. Klassen. 2002  A Possible Fluteplayer Pictograph Site Near Exshaw, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26(1):001-024.
Ebert, David, and Linda Larcombe. 2002  Predictive Modeling in the Boreal Forest: A Case Study for the Manitoba Model Forest. Ottawa.
Mallory-Greenough, Leanne M., James Baker, and and John D. Greenough. 2002  Preliminary Geochemical Fingerprinting of Dacite Lithic Artifacts from the British Columbia Interior Plateau. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26(1):041-061.
Pokotylo, David. 2002  Public Opinion and Canadian Archaeological Heritage: A National Perspective. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 26(2):088-129.
Dionne, Marie-Michelle. 2002  Raw Material and Stone Tool Management in the Context of a Middle Dorset Hunting Camp : A Study of Technological Activities and Cultural Choices. Ottawa.