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GENDRON, Danielle. 1998  The Nunavik Petroglyph Project: A Summary of the First Two Field Seasons /Le projet des pétroglyphes du Nunavik: un résumé des de. Victoria.
GIBSON, Terrance. 1998  Of GISs and PDAs: Strategies for Automated Archaeological Mapping and Field Data Collection. Victoria.
Willoughby, Pamela R. 1998  Review of Olduvai Gorge Volume 5: Excavations in Beds III, IV and the Masek Beds 1968–1971, by Leakey and Roe. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 21 (2):160-163.
Clermont, Norman. 1998  On the Ottawa Valley, 5000Years Ago: The Morrison Island Site. Victoria.
Cybulski, Jerome S., and Stan WALLAS. 1998  Physical Anthropology at Quattishe. Victoria.
CLARK, Terry. 1998  Prehistoric Culture Change on Southern Vancouver Island: The Applicability of Current Models of the Marpole Transition. Victoria.
Coupland, Gary, Roger COLTEN, and Rebecca CASE. 1998  Preliminary Analysis of Socioeconomic Organization at the McNichol Creek Site, British Columbia. Victoria.
FEDJE, D.W., and H. JOSENHANS. 1998  Remote imagery of deeply drowned early post-glacial alluvial landscapes. Victoria.
CAMPBELL, Bonnie. 1998  Results of the Canim Lake Band Archaeological Inventory Study of 111 Mile Creek, Lac la Hache, BC. Victoria.
Dyck, Ian. 1998  Sources of Chippable Petrified Peat and Wood along the South Saskatchewan River. Victoria.
Bernick, Kathryn. 1998  A Stitch In Time: Recovering The Antiquity Of A Coast Salish Basket Type. Victoria.
Greaves, Sheila. 1998  Stone Tool Technology In Mountain Housepit Sites. Victoria.
Acheson, Steven R. 1998  'The Thin Edge . . .': Evidence for Pre-contact Metal Use and Working on the Northwest Coast. Victoria.
GELEAN, Shannon. 1998  Traditional Use Study Program of British Columbia, Canada. Victoria.
DAMKJAR, Eric. 1998  An Unusual Pit Feature at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta. Victoria.
Eldridge, Morley. 1998  Use of Ethnohistoric Data in Archaeological Predictive Modelling. Victoria.
Germann, Carlos, and Lorne CARRIER. 1998  Working Together: Reburial and Repatriation in Saskatchewan. Victoria.
MacEachern, Scott. 1999  Review of African Material Culture (Arnoldi, Geary and Hardin, eds.); Traditional Metal Working in Kenya, by Brown. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 22 (1):081-084.
Nicholas, George P. 1999  Review of Alluvial Geoarchaeology: Floodplain Archaeology and Environmental Change, by Brown. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 22 (2):175-176.
Dyck, Ian. 1999  Review of Americanist Culture History: Fundamentals of Time, Space and Form (Lyman, O'Brien, and Dunnell, editors) and The Rise and Fall of Culture History, by Lyman, O 'Brien and Dunnell. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 22 (2):172-175.
FRENCH, Diana. 1999  Archaeological Investigations in the Traditional Territory of the Cheslatta Nation, Central B.C. Whitehorse, Yukon.
BRAND, Michael J. 1999  Archaeological Investigations on the Dawson and Klondike City Hillsides. Whitehorse, Yukon.
Klimko, Olga, Heather Moon, and Doug Glaum. 1999  Archaeological Resource Management and Forestry in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 22(1):031-042.
Finlayson, William D. 1999  The Archaeology of Communities: A Northern Iroquoian Example from Southern Ontario, Canada. Whitehorse, Yukon.
DILLMAN, Donna, and the Kwanlin Du Nation. 1999  Are You My People?: Native Anthropology by a Native Anthropologist. Whitehorse, Yukon.