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BAXEVANIS, Susan, Briggs BUCHANAN, and Eileen JOHNSON. 1998  Folsom Mobility and Subsistence Strategies on the Southern Plains: A View from Lake Theo. Victoria.
Crockford, Susan J., and Cameron J. Pye. 1998  Forensic Reconstruction of Prehistoric Dogs from the Northwest Coast. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 21(2):149-153.
1998 Forest Planning and Archaeology. Victoria.
Thibaudeau, Paul. 1998  Review of Foundations of Social Inequality, edited by Price and Feinman. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 21 (2):160.
FERRIS, Bill. 1998  GIS on the Local Level: A Study on Methodologies and Results from a Stone Circle Site. Victoria.
Gibson, Terrance H., and James T. FINNIGAN. 1998  Heritage Management in the Forest Industry: Addressing National Canadian Standards. Victoria.
A. D'ANDREA, Catherine, D.E. LYONS, N. JACKMAN, Mitiku HAILE, and E.A. BUTLER. 1998  Highland Farmers of Northern Ethiopia: Models for Palaeoethnobotany. Victoria.
Boyd, Matthew. 1998  Holocene Paleoecology of the Lauder Sandhills, Southwestern Manitoba: Preliminary Botanical Results. Victoria.
BEAUDOIN, Alwynne. 1998  How can we find evidence of people in postglacial palaeoenvironmental records from Alberta? Victoria.
Grier, Colin. 1998  Inequality, Complexity, and the Notion of a Gulf of Georgia Developmental Trajectory. Victoria.
DAWSON, Peter C. 1998  Interpreting Variability in Thule Inuit Architecture: A Case Study From The Canadian High Arctic. Victoria.
FINNIGAN, James. 1998  Issues in Heritage Potential Modeling: A View from Central Saskatchewan. Victoria.
DAWE, Bob, and Brian Ronaghan. 1998  The James Pass Longnecked Point: An Early Archaic Side Notched Point Type From The Front Ranges Of The Rocky Mountains. Victoria.
Stopp, Marianne P. 1998  Review of La Question de la Coexistence du Paléoesquimau et de l'Amérindien: Recherches dans la Région de Blanc-Sablon, Basse-Côte Nord, Québec, by Plumet. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 21 (2):157-160.
BEAUDOIN, Alwynne, Catherine YANSA, and Robert E. VANCE. 1998  The Landscape Context for Early Postglacial Paleoindian Occupation on the Northern Plains. Victoria.
DIXON, E.J., T.H HEATON, and T.E. FIFIELD. 1998  Late and post-glacial paleoecology and archaeology of Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska. Victoria.
D. Deller, Brian, and Chris J. Ellis. 1998  A Late Paleoindian Ritual Tool Deposit from the Caradoc Site (AfHj-104), Southwestern Ontario Investigations were undertaken at the Caradoc site in 19. Victoria.
BEAUDOIN, Alwynne. 1998  Macroremains from the Fletcher Site (DjOw-1), Southern Alberta, and Implications for Early Postglacial Landscapes on the Canadian Plains. Victoria.
ASTORQUI, A. 1998  Methodological Alternative: New Perspective in the Archaeological Record. Victoria.
Chapdelaine, Claude. 1998  Morphological and Chemical Variability of Copper Artifacts from the Morrison Island Site. Victoria.
BLAKE, Michael, and Douglas R. BROWN. 1998  Mounds for the Ancestors: Ancient Burial Practices in the Coast Salish Region. Victoria.
CARLSON, Arne K. 1998  Nechako Plateau Culturally Modified Trees. Victoria.
GARVIN, Richard. 1998  Nisga'a Social Organization as Reflected at the Kincolith Cemetery. Victoria.
DONALD, Leland. 1998  The Northwest Coast as a Study Area: Natural, Prehistoric and Ethnographic Issues. Victoria.
Croes, Dale R. 1998  Northwest Coast Wet Sites: Perishables Revealing Patterns of Resource Procurement, Storage, Management and Exchange. Victoria.