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Balmer, Ann, and John Peters. 1992  An Illustration of Prehistoric Site Potential Mapping in Regional Studies. London.
Battles, Heather, Sarah Buchanen-Berrigan, Stacey Hallman, and Martyna Janjua. 2008  Investigating health and mortality in the Hamilton Cemetery: The impact of progressive inclusion. Peterborough.
Bernick, Kathryn. 2006  Identifying Anthropogenic Deposits in Alluvial Settings. Toronto.
Blair, Susan, and David W. Black. 2006  Introduction to "Nurturing Archaeology in the Maritimes" and the Career of Chris Turnbull. Toronto.
Blair, Susan, and Christopher R. Blair. 2006  Inside the Jemseg Crossing Project. Toronto.
Bobrowsky, Peter T. 1989  Intra and Inter-Assemblage Comparisons of Faunal Data Using Graphic and Moment Statistics. Fredericton.
BONA, Luke D. A. L. L. A. 1992  I Know Exactly Where I am: Using GPS in Archaeology. London.
Bonnichsen, Robson, and David Sanger. 1977  Integrating Faunal Analysis. Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal canadien d'archéologie 1:109-133.
Brandy, Eliza, Matthew J. Seguin, and Meghan Burchell. 2008  Internship Experience in Archaeological Collections Management: Improving the Status of McMaster's Research Collections. Peterborough.
Brett, Jeremy. 1992  INAA and Obsidian Hydration Dating of Mayan Bladelets from Cahal Pech, Belize, C.A. London.
Brewster, Natalie. 2005  The Inuit in Southern Labrador: A View from Snack Cove. Nanaimo.
Brownlee, Kevin. 2004  Insights into the Harvest of Fish Resources in the Northern Boreal Forest of Manitoba. Winnipeg.
Burke, Charles, and Jean-Pierre Chrestien. 2000  An initial survey of suitable sites for fishing properties on Scatary Island (Nova Scotia). Ottawa.
Bursey, Jeff. 2006  Insights from End Scrapers: A Case Study from the Anderson Site on the Lower Grand River of Southern Ontario. Toronto.
Burton, Gaye, and Teresa Hill. 1989  An Interpretation of Population Dynamics in the Grassland/Parklands as Evidenced by Research at the Mullett Site in Southwestern Manitoba. Fredericton.