Lithic use wear analysis was applied to a sample of cobbles recovered from FbNp-1 in Wanuskewin Heritage Park. The use wear analysis was completed to test existing methodologies used to microscopically analyze ground stone tools as applied specifically to hide processing stones. Interpretation of the analysis indicates that at least one, and possibly two, of the cobbles can be interpreted as hide processing stones. An ethnographic literature review into hide processing procedures on the Plains has also uncovered two possible hide processing stone tool categories. These tools have been referred to as braining stones and graining stones. Braining stones were used in the tanning process to aid in the application of a brain tanning mixture. Graining stones were used in the softening and graining process to soften and add texture to the hide. A combination of the literature review and lithic use wear analysis has allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of these tools and their uses. These types of tools are often overlooked in archaeological analyses.Their misidentification may lead to the misinterpretation of activity areas and site usage.