Towards an Understanding of the Chalcolithic Chipped Stone Industry in Cyprus : The Ayios Savvas Material

Conference Paper

Towards an Understanding of the Chalcolithic Chipped Stone Industry in Cyprus : The Ayios Savvas Material



It is generally accepted that expediently utilized chert flakes are characteristic of the Cypriot Chalcolithic chipped stone industry. Despite the ubiquitous nature of this informal tool type it has not been integrated in Ethic assemblage studies. Simple flake production has been neglected while classic formal tools, such as scrapers and blades, have been highlighted for their level of technological requirement. Considering that nearly half of all chipped stone at Ayios Savvas was utilized a reassessment of the relative importance of formal tools is needed. An industry primarily based on simple flake production has not warranted serious consideration and subsequently has been regarded as degenerating. The Ayios Savvas assemblage however demonstrates that this is not the case but an adaptive formalized technological response to changing socio-economic strategies.