Towards a Management Plan for the Debert and Belmont Archaeological Sites

Conference Paper

Towards a Management Plan for the Debert and Belmont Archaeological Sites

David J. Christianson; Tim Bernard; Bob Ogilvie; Leah Rosenmeier


The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq and the Heritage Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage are jointly working towards the development of a management plan for the Debert and Belmont archaeological sites. An interim strategic plan has been developed that reflects a set of guiding principles that recognizes the crucial significance of these archaeological sites to contemporary Mi'kmaq and the scientific values inherent in the preservation of these resources. The strategic plan outlines three strategic goals that will promote preservation of the sites while encouraging appropriate excavation and study. The research component of the work will define the regional area of interest and the levels of archaeological assessment in areas of related potential.