Towards a Greater Understanding of the Prehistory of Frontenac County: The Frontenac County Inventory

Conference Paper

Towards a Greater Understanding of the Prehistory of Frontenac County: The Frontenac County Inventory

Hugh J. Daechsel


Over the past 2 years the Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation has been developing an inventory of archaeological sites in Frontenac County, which is situated at the northeastern end of Lake Ontario. The inventory is primarily designed to provide a basis from which more specifically focused research projects can be undertaken in an area the prehistory of which is still poorly understood. The initial results of the inventory provide for a range in prehistoric cultural occupations extending from Late Palaeo-Indian to Late Woodland on sites distributed in association with Lake Ontario and the inland drainage systems encompassed by the County. Some of the identified sites including Armstrong, Belle Island and Page hold considerable potential for understanding the pre-Iroquoian cultural development in eastern Ontario.