Saving Face: Experiments in Rock Art Conservation at Writing-On-Stone

Conference Paper

Saving Face: Experiments in Rock Art Conservation at Writing-On-Stone

Jack Brink; Ian A. CAMPBELL


Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park has one of the largest concentrations of Aboriginal rock art found anywhere in western North America. Much of the rock art suffers - or has been completely lost - as a result of erosion of loosely cemented sandstone bedrock. An on-going research project has investigated ways to strengthen the near-surface bedrock using the product CONSERVARE OH. Results indicate that this silica-based product penetrates the sandstone to a depth of about 3 cm and provides an increase in rock strength of about 300%. It is concluded that CONSERVARE would be effective in retarding erosion of certain rock art panels but would not be No deleterious effects of CONSERVARE have been observed, although it is noted that the product may interfere with some future research such as attempts to date rock art. Studies designed to monitor the long term effects of treatment with CONSERVARE have been initiated. Application to actual rock art surfaces has not yet taken place. Preliminary consultation with First Nations groups indicates approval of use of this technique to help prolong the life of rock art.