The Point of Popularity: A Summary of Human Activity at the Princess Point Promontory, Cootes Paradise, Hamilton

Conference Paper

The Point of Popularity: A Summary of Human Activity at the Princess Point Promontory, Cootes Paradise, Hamilton

Helen R. Haines; James Sherratt; David G. Smith; David Galbraith


Located on the south shore of Cootes Paradise the Princess Point promontory is ideally situated to attract human activity. Starting in the Middle Woodland period, the promontory may have served a variety of purposes. Archaeological investigations have been conducted intermittently in various locations around the promontory since the late 1960's revealing some interesting questions about the history of its use. Additionally, the Royal Botanical Gardens has conducted significant environmental research in Cootes Paradise that impacts directly on our understanding of the human activity in this area. This presentation summarizes both of these research areas with the aim of creating a framework of human activity at the site into which future, more focused studies, may be situated.