Conference Paper

Perakhóra 1972

John M. Fossey


The first excavations, in 1965, on the prehistoric site by Lake Vouliagméni, Perakhóra revealed a series of deposits from Early Bronze I and transitional Early Bronze I/II. In 1972, at two higher parts of the site, sequences from Early Bronze II were recovered. In the principal area investigated a sequence of three EB II phases appeared. In the earliest the site was a pottery production centre: no kilns have been identified with certainty as yet, but a large dump of wasters accrued. The dump was subsequently he building was obviously of some importance, but its exact function escapes us as yet. The site was then levelled off again in order to construct a large, well built complex of rooms of which only part of the plan has yet been recovered. Finally this building appears to have been burnt down and the site abandoned until the 7th century B.C. when a small farmstead occupied, probably briefly, the same position. Subsequently the site lay unoccupied to the present day.