The Norton Site (AfHh-86): A Late Iroquoian Village in London, Ontario

Conference Paper

The Norton Site (AfHh-86): A Late Iroquoian Village in London, Ontario

Martin S. Cooper; David A. Robertson


The Norton site (AfHh-86) is a large village site loc-ated in a public park, overlooking the Thames River in London, Ontario. Portions of nine, closely spaced and regularly aligned longhouses were recorded in 1988 during excavations conducted by Archaeological Services Inc. within a 100 metre long utilities right-of-way which crossed the site. While artifactual finds were relatively few, they suggest that the site was occupied between A.D. 1450 and 1500. As the site had largely been unknown to researchers in the London area, the Norton site is of considerable importance for the reconstruction of the late prehistoric settlement sequence of southwestern Ontario.