Conference Paper

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Alan L. Bryan


Evidence is now available to the effect that at least two flaked stone projectile point traditions were developing in parallel with the Clovis-Folsom Fluted Point Tradition. All three are material reflections of differential adaptations to environmental opportunities. Willow leaf-shaped El Jobo points with thick cross-sections are now quite well dated to between 12,000 and 14,000 B.P. in Venezuela, while the long stemmed Lake Mojave point tradition of the Great Basin has now been dated as early as 11,680 B.P. Probably the Lake Mojave form underwent general size reduction through time as did the Fluted Point Tradition. The presence of at least three partially contemporary and well differentiated projectile point traditions reflecting discrete ways of life in different areas before 11,500 B.P. implies that several antecedent cultural traditions developed indigenously in America during the Late Wisconsin from yet earlier cultural roots.