President's Messages

President’s Message Spring/Summer 2019

I would like to begin my President’s Message by thanking the organizing committees for the CAA and the Association des Archéologues du Québec (AAQ) who hosted a memorable conference in Quebec City. The CAA held its first Ethics Bowl this year. It was a great success, with a nail-biting finish that saw Team Memorial edging out Team Trent for the trophy. The event was well-attended and will clearly require a larger venue next year.

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President’s Message Winter 2019

The six months since my last message have been eventful, and at times challenging. The 52nd annual CAA conference, which will be co-hosted by the Association des Archéologues du Québec (AAQ), in Quebec City, is coming together and promises to be a unique experience. The theme “Heritage at Risk” recognizes “the myriad challenges confronting the preservation and accessibility of the archaeological record, archaeological sites, monuments, landscapes, collections and intangible cultural heritage” (from conference webpage).

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President’s Message Spring 2018

After a year of “learning the ropes”, I became the new President of the CAA at the last Annual General Meeting in Winnipeg. I would like to begin my first President’s Message by thanking Amelia Fay and Kevin Brownlee and the rest of the organizing committee for being outstanding hosts for this year’s Annual CAA Conference. I would like to extend a special thank you to all the Indigenous presenters and performers, who helped make the event very special.

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President’s Message Winter 2018

In anticipation of an early spring (this winter has been a cold and snowy one, at least in Ontario), I would like to update all of you on what has happened in Canadian archaeology and the CAA since the last time we all saw one another in Gatineau-Ottawa in May 2017. The 50th annual CAA conference in Gatineau was a resounding success thanks to the efforts of the organizing committee from the Canadian Museum of History, particularly Jean-Luc Pilon and Kerri Davis. The attendance set a new record.

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President’s Statement

This is my first message to all of you as CAA President and I want to begin by thanking Greg Hare, Ruth Gotthardt, Jeff Hunston, and the army of volunteers who organized a highly successful conference in Whitehorse in May 2016, packed with great papers, social events, and “Land of the Midnight Sun” hospitality. We gained a new Vice-President at this meeting. Congratulations to Jennifer Campbell who was elected to replace outgoing VP Adrian Burke. I would like to thank Adrian for his dedicated service as Vice-President. In May 2016, I took on the duties of President, replacing Lisa Rankin.

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President’s Statement

Happy New Year All,

As my first message to the membership as CAA President I would like to start by saying how very much I enjoyed the annual meetings in London. Matthew Beaudoin, Joshua Dent, and their team did an excellent job organizing a vibrant, fun and informative conference. We also welcomed a new Vice-President at the conference. Congratulations to Adrian Burke who is taking over the role of VP from Jennifer Birch, and of course I stepped into the shoes of William Ross who now becomes Past-President. On behalf of all of us I would like to thank Jennifer for her work on the executive. As a new president I am very glad that Bill will remain in the board for another year to provide much needed guidance.

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