The CAA/ACA is able to offer assistance to student conference participants to offset their travel costs. Grants apply only to the travel portion of conference expenses and not accommodation. Grant applicants must be members in good standing and must participate directly in the scholarly program of the Annual Conference by presenting a paper or poster for which they are the first (primary) author, or by being a Session Discussant or an Invited Presenter.
On behalf of the organizing committee for the 47th annual meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association, I am pleased to announce the Call for Sessions, Papers, Forums and Posters for the London 2014 CAA conference.
We have decided to add a new membership category. This has all of the benefits of the regular membership at a reduced cost. The only difference is that you only have Online access to CAA Publications (you will receive no printed versions). If you like the feel of paper in your hands this is not for you. If you like the idea of going paperless, you may want to consider this option.
The CAA executive and the 2014 Organizing Committee are happy to announce that the 2014 annual meeting will be held in London, Ontario, from May 14 to May 18, 2014.
John Higdon and Corey Hutchings screening on a particularly bad mosquito day. Baffin Island, Nunavut (left). Lori White excavating at a Pre-Dorset site on Baffin Island, Nunavut (right). Photos by Tim Rast.
Barney and Lovisa with red cedar Bark Slab removed CMT, near yan village site, Graham Island (left). Barney Edgars, Old Masset, with triangular bark strip on red cedar, Pure Lake, xáadláa gwaayee, BC (right). Photos by Karen Church.