The new vision for the Bulletin is a venue for discussing a wide range of topics relevant to the interests of CAA members and wider audiences online, and will appear in a more traditional downloadable format twice per year. In particular, the Bulletin seeks to highlight and address the diverse backgrounds and experiences of members.
The Bulletin is currently soliciting contributions from individuals and groups whose interests include Canadian archaeology, as well as those who are based in Canada and involved in international projects. Academic or avocational, professional or student, the CAA Newsletter is where archaeologists can tell their colleagues about their work! Submit short texts (500-1500 words), full colour images, and other media today.
The Bulletin features preliminary reports on fieldwork done in all areas of Canada by avocational societies, federal/provincial/territorial organizations, museums, CRM companies, and university or college-based groups.
It will also showcase more in-depth reports on research that may not be ready for more formal publication; this includes ongoing lab-based work, experimental archaeology projects, as well as reviews of new techniques and technologies for archaeological conservation and analysis. Commentaries on a variety of issues and policies relevant to archaeology as conducted in Canada and abroad are also encouraged.
It is also a great place to publish more detailed treatments of conference papers and posters, highlights and histories of longer-term research programmes, as well as various mitigation activities. The Newsletter welcomes assessments of useful (or not so useful) products, especially field gear, lab equipment, and software.
The Bulletin makes it easy for students to get involved. We are keen to provide a platform for students to voice their perspectives and engage in the community. Graduate programs, fieldwork and grant opportunities may also be advertised.
Katherine Cook
CAA Newsletter Editor