Session Hosting Format:
in-person session
Friday, May 5, 2023 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Muin Room (Hybrid)
- Ken Holyoke, University of Lethbridge
- Maryssa Barras, ICOMOS
- Steven Dorland, Grand Valley State University
- Beatrice Fletcher, McMaster University
Contact Email:
Session Description (300 word max):
This is a Hybrid Session and will include online and in-person panelists and participants.
The CAA-ACA Advocacy Committee will be hosting a panel discussion featuring industry professionals from CRM and the heritage sector (NGOs, government) discussing their backgrounds, training, and experience. Panelists will present short, prepared marks, following which a Q&A session for attendees will be taking place.
The target audience for this session is upper-year undergraduates, graduate students, and early career professionals, and the purpose is to provide resources, guidance, and training by leveraging the expertise of CAA-ACA members and partners in our networks.