SAVE THE DATE: Canadian Archaeological Association conference May 3–6, 2023 | Membertou, NS


Canadian Archaeological Association conference

May 3-6, 2023 | Membertou, NS

CAA/ACA 2023 Membertou, NS: Gathering Perspectives/Recueillons points de vue/Mawa'tumk Ta'n Telita'simkThe Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs are proud to co-host the 55th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association.

The theme for this conference is “Gathering Perspectives”. As a way of learning and knowing, archaeology draws on many fields of study: geology, chemistry, ethnology, geomatics and biology to name a few. This way improves understanding of archaeological records of events, peoples’ lives and their identities; it is a strength of archaeological practice. At the same time, the discipline of archaeology has only recently begun to acknowledge, honour and respect its responsibilities to, and impacts on, the descendants of those who made the places and belongings studied. Like family heirlooms, secrets and truths, archaeological sites and artefacts are also personal legacy.  Descendants’ perspectives on value, interpretation and care are critical in decision- making, as expertise is gathered to inform management and education. As Indigenous leaders and co-hosts of CAA 2023, the Maw-lukutijitk Saqmaq (Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Chiefs) believes in the importance and necessity of this growth of archaeological practice. In Mawpeltu’ek (Membertou), we shall gather and gain perspectives…to the benefit of us all. Msɨt No’kmaq.

The logo for this year’s conference centres around the tree, a living being that gathers what it needs to grow (water, nutrients, stability) from its roots to produce branches, leaves and seeds for the future – its legacy. You will find the faces of Elders and children in the tree’s branches, growing from the ancestors and belongings (artefacts) amongst the roots. The knowledge passes through the trunk (languages, lexicons, cultures and values – diverse perspectives, all) and the tree reaches new height and breadth. It blossoms, fruits and flourishes for now and the future as the tree feeds today’s people - those whose faces are among the branches.

The Mi’kmaw language version of the conference theme is at the bottom – like the stratigraphy we find on archaeological sites of that which came first….and supports the strong base for growth and understanding.

The 7 faces represent the teachings that our actions honour and help the next 7 generations honour and recognize the teachings left by the past 7 generations.

The Mi’kmaw double curve motif, that resembles a canoe, carries us all in Membertou, as we move forward together.