Archaeological Management by the Council of the Haida Nation

Conference Paper

Archaeological Management by the Council of the Haida Nation

Karen Church; Captain Gold


We present a summary of what the Council of the Haida Nation has done to protect our Archaeological sites in the forest, the role of Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management and Ministry of Forests in protection of those sites. The Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management has noted to us that they lack the funds to consult with us on site, we present why this is unacceptable on the basis of:1. The Archaeological Forest Buffers for sites are one of the key points of our Archaeology Policies,2. Protection of sites as living evidence of the ancestors' use and occupancy of the land. To be able to walk where the ancestors walked and to experience the forest in a similar way as pre-contact people who acknowledged the spirit of the forest in everything they did there. These people are called the forest people; we give references to them from Haida stories,3. We give example of Timber Licensees who prefer to work against the First Nations rather than with us towards common goals and the result of,4. Recent Timber Farm License 39 Appeal ruling, which will help on the protection of cultural values in forests.How do we overcome licensees who refuse to work with us in a positive way, to protect our sites?