An ecologist and biologist by training, Greg Mitchell brings fresh insights to archaeological research. He has spent much of the last 20 years working tirelessly to piece together the heritage of the Southern Inuit of Labrador in his role as Senior Researcher for the NunatuKavut Community Council. He has published articles and book chapters, and delivered conference papers, reflecting his meticulous research on a variety of topics. These include: the nature of early historical interaction between Inuit and Europeans in Labrador, long-distance procurement of resources by Labrador Inuit, linguistic and dialectical relations between Labrador Inuit groups in the historic period, and the dynamics of community-based archaeological research. It is safe to say that Greg Mitchell has become one of the most knowledgeable authorities on the archaeology and culture of the early post-contact Inuit in Labrador. He seems to be blessed with infinite energy; he is unquenchably enthusiastic; he is meticulous in his research and has an eye for detail; and he is willing to propose and champion new and singular interpretations of the evidence that turn out to be correct. Without doubt Greg Mitchell’s contribution to Labrador Inuit archaeology is both exceptional and exemplary. His years of research and advocacy have made a difference not just to his own community, but to the discipline as well. On behalf of the CAA Board of Directors I am pleased to present the 2019 Pendergast Award to Greg Mitchell.