
The final Statement of Principals has been prepared taking into consideration these reservations and comments. While there have been some strong differences of opinion on the scope of the guidelines, and the precise role which they should play in regulating archaeological research and practice, it was possible to obtain a broad consensus regarding several major issues governing the relationships of professional archaeologists with Aboriginal people across Canada. As the discussions progressed, it readily became apparent that the different regions and jurisdictions of the country each had their own priorities and specific concerns.

The major areas of consensus include the following:


  • 1. Practising archaeologists should welcome and encourage a greater role for Aboriginal people in the planning and implementation of their research.

    2. It is important to establish local protocols with Aboriginal people in each area of the country, which are mutually agreed upon and which will serve to provide a common ground of expectation for archaeologists and Aboriginal people alike.

    3. In all cases, respect must be the underlying principle which characterizes the relationship between traditional values of First Peoples and the research goals of practising archaeologists.


This document presents the reports of the various regional working committees, followed by a Summary and Conclusions and the final Statement of Principles for Ethical Conduct Pertaining to Aboriginal Peoples.